Frequently Asked Questions

Co-Journeying is a transformative partnership where two individuals walk side by side on a shared path of growth and discovery. Unlike traditional mentoring where one leads and the other follows, or coaching where one directs and the other executes, Co-Journeying creates a unique space of mutual learning and development.

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What Journeyers say about their
Co-Journeying experience with Shirli

Shirli has this amazing way of walking alongside you, not leading or showing you the path, but escorting you as you explore your own journey. It’s not just about receiving advice; it’s about building a path together, step by step, and feeling supported and held by the hand every inch of the way. She brings insight, warmth, and a genuine sense of partnership and energy that’s rare to find.

    Chara Oikonomidou (37)
    Chara Oikonomidou (37)

    Starting in October 2022, Shirli became a part of my life, supporting me through many challenges. Every Thursday—either in person in Barcelona or over Zoom—our meetings became my safe space. Looking back on this journey, it’s been a steady source of strength, helping me through big life changes and personal challenges.

      Jana Suau Claramunt (21)
      Jana Suau Claramunt (21)

      Shirli is a fantastic mentor and coach for professional development. She perfectly knew when she needed to challenge me to move out of my comfort zone no matter how complex the situation was.

        Sabrina-Yvonne Thomas (35)
        Sabrina-Yvonne Thomas (35)

        There are some people who, the moment they enter your life, shine a light, raise your energy, make you feel good and mirror. In a period of 6 months, She helped me to recognize my shortcomings; the aspects I need to improve. She made me look through other perspectives when was blocked, she emphasized the importance of active patience. I love this woman, who made me know myself better and made me feel more beautiful.

          Nilhan Can (28)
          Nilhan Can (28)

          Start Your Co-Journeying Experience

          If you walk alone, you’ll go fast.

          If you walk with a Co-Journeyer, you’ll go fast and far.”

          – Dr. Shirli Ender-Buyukbay